What is my fucking IP address and fun with nginx's echo module[source]

    <title>What is my fucking IP address and fun with nginx's echo module</title>
    <description>How to use nginx to display the user's remote IP address</description>
    <category>Legacy blog posts</category>
    <category>Web servers</category>
<glacius:macro name="legacy blargh banner">
            The original site was at remoteaddr.info, but once that expired it was more
            expensive to renew, so I moved the functionality to remoteaddr.xyz.
  Excuse the language, but it's a lamentation I've uttered many times while navigating
  to whatismyip.com and being bombarded with ads and superfluous text when all I want is 
  at most 15 characters. It's also in reference to sites like 
  <a href="https://thefuckingweather.com/">the fucking weather</a> and
  <a href="https://whatthefuckshouldimakefordinner.com/">what the fuck should I make for dinner</a>
  which are hilarious in their vulgarity. Unfortunately, whatismyfuckingipaddress.com was already taken.
  I decided I was going to create a "competitor" to whatismyip.com because that site sucks. But mostly 
  because it's something so simple that it shouldn't require navigating a bunch of text and ads.
  Of course, as it turns out, numerous sites already do that (like
  <a href="https://icanhazip.com/">http://icanhazip.com/</a>), and whatismyip.com offers a similar 
  service <a href="https://automation.whatismyip.com/n09230945.asp">here</a>.
  But just because someone else has already done something many times doesn't mean you shouldn't do it,
  too. Right?
  But I didn't want to bootstrap some server-side language runtime for something as simple 
  as displaying an IP address. Surely that could be done directly from the server. 
  <a href="http://remoteaddr.xyz/">And it can</a>.
<glacius:code lang="nginx"><![CDATA[server {
	listen 80;
	server_name remoteaddr.xyz www.remoteaddr.xyz;
	gzip off;
	location = / {
		default_type text/plain;
		echo $remote_addr;
		if ($remote_addr != $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for) {
			echo $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
		expires 1d;
	location = /about {
		default_type text/html;
		echo "<html>";
		echo "<head>";
		echo "<title>about remoteaddr.xyz</title>";
		echo "</head>";
		echo "<body>";
		echo '<pre>created by <a href="https://tmont.com/">Tommy Montgomery</a> using the <a href="https://wiki.nginx.org/HttpEchoModule">nginx echo module</a>.</pre>';
		echo "</body>";
		echo "</html>";
	location = /robots.txt {
		default_type text/plain;
		echo "User-Agent: *";
		echo "Allow: /about";
		echo "Disallow: /";