Bach - Prelude in C♯ Major[source]

    <title>Bach - Prelude in C&#x266f; Major</title>
    <description>I recorded myself playing Bach's Prelude in C&#x266f; Major</description>
    <category>Music recording</category>
    <category>Classical music</category>
    <series order="5">2022 music project</series>
    For the 5th installment of my <glacius:link series="2022 music project" /> series, I
    spent a few hours practicing/polishing Bach's 
    <a href=",_BWV_848">Prelude
    in C&#x266f; major</a> from <em>The Well-Tempered Clavier - Book I</em>.
    I learned this piece a few years ago, which means I just played it enough I could
    play it approximately up to speed with not too many noticeable mistakes. Unfortunately,
    that's about as far as I got this week, as well. But I personally believe my piano's action
    is to blame.
    You can tell where I mess up because I make a nasty stank face.
<glacius:figure glacius:src="bach-prelude-csharp-major-stankface.jpeg" type="image">
    <caption>That sounded like a wrong note.</caption>
<hr />
<glacius:figure glacius:src="bach-prelude-csharp-major-480p.mp4" type="video">
        Recording of Bach's <em>Prelude in C&#x266f; major</em> 
        <small>(recorded on <glacius:date value="2022-02-12" />)</small>