Chopin's Mazurkas - Part 7 @ r3

This article is part 38 of 52 in the 2022 music project series.
This article is part 7 of 9 in the Reviewing Chopin's mazurkas series.
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I was planning to cover the guitar solo from Days of the New's Touch, Peel and Stand, but I'm in the process of migrating my recording computer to a more powerful laptop, and also switching from Xubuntu to Ubuntu Studio, and it has not gone as swimmingly as I had hoped. So most of this week was spent debugging Ardour crashes and buying USB hubs with a power supply.

So I'm going to do what I always do in these situations: give up and listen to more mazurkas. Luckily there are only three in Opus 50, so I can smash through them in the next 24 hours and not feel like a loser for missing a week.

Trois Mazurkas

For à Mr. Léon Szmitkowski.

Op. 50, No. 1 in G major

Some interesting passing tones in the A section here. Very minuet-like.

After repeating the A/B sections twice there's a very abrupt modulation to C minor as the left hand takes over the melody.

Some kind of neat diminished triads lead into the Coda involving the iv (C minor). Like a Picardy third variation. I'm sure there's a music theory name for it.

Op. 50, No. 2 in A♭ major

Op. 50, No. 3 in C♯ minor