Chopin's Mazurkas - Part 3 @ r1

This article is part 9 of 52 in the 2022 music project series.
This article is part 3 of 9 in the Reviewing Chopin's mazurkas series.
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And we're back with another exciting installment of me listening to Chopin's Mazurkas and then talking to myself about them (previously: part 1 and part 2). We begin on Op. 24, No. 1.

Quatre Mazurkas

For a monsieur Comte de Perthuis

Op. 24, No. 1 in G minor

Op. 24, No. 2 in C major

Op. 24, No. 3 in A♭ major

Op. 24, No. 4 in B♭ minor