Non-magic property injection in Unity

This article was originally published in my blog (affectionately referred to as blargh) on . The original blog no longer exists as I've migrated everything to this wiki.

The original URL of this post was at Hopefully that link redirects back to this page.

Unity provides a way to perform injection on properties, meaning that when an object is resolved through its DI container, it will inject values for pre-defined properties. For example:

public class Foo {
  public string Bar { get; set; }

// somewhere else...
container.RegisterType<Foo>(new InjectionProperty("Bar", "oh hai!"));

var foo = container.Resolve<Foo>();
Console.WriteLine(foo.Bar); // "oh hai!"

Pretty nifty, but it still reeks of .NET 2.0 non-lambda lameness. This sucks because you can't do all the cool stuff you're accustomed to, like type-safety, refactoring and static analysis.

So I fixed that. Unfortunately, Microsoft made the InjectionProperty class impressively difficult to extend, so we use the composite pattern to achieve greatness.

public class NonMagicInjectionProperty<T> : NonMagicInjectionProperty<T, object> {
	public NonMagicInjectionProperty(Expression<Func<T, object>> propertyAccessor) : base(propertyAccessor) { }
	public NonMagicInjectionProperty(Expression<Func<T, object>> propertyAccessor, object propertyValue) : base(propertyAccessor, propertyValue) { }

public class NonMagicInjectionProperty<T, TReturn> : InjectionMember {
	private const string ErrorMessage = "Expected lambda expression like: foo => foo.Bar, where Bar is the name of the property to be injected";
	private readonly InjectionProperty injectionProperty;

	public NonMagicInjectionProperty(Expression<Func<T, TReturn>> propertyAccessor) {
		injectionProperty = new InjectionProperty(GetPropertyNameFromExpression(propertyAccessor));

	public NonMagicInjectionProperty(Expression<Func<T, TReturn>> propertyAccessor, TReturn propertyValue) {
		injectionProperty = new InjectionProperty(GetPropertyNameFromExpression(propertyAccessor), propertyValue);

	private static string GetPropertyNameFromExpression(Expression<Func<T, TReturn>> expression) {
		var parameterName = expression.Parameters[0].Name;
		var memberExpression = expression.Body as MemberExpression;
		if (memberExpression == null) {
			throw new ArgumentException(ErrorMessage);

		var leftSide = memberExpression.Expression as ParameterExpression;
		if (leftSide == null || leftSide.Name != parameterName) {
			throw new ArgumentException(ErrorMessage);

		return memberExpression.Member.Name;

	public override void AddPolicies(Type serviceType, Type implementationType, string name, IPolicyList policies) {
		injectionProperty.AddPolicies(serviceType, implementationType, name, policies);

Now you can do stuff like this:

public class Foo {
  public string Bar { get; set; }

// somewhere else...
container.RegisterType<Foo>(new NonMagicInjectionProperty<Foo>(foo => foo.Bar, "oh hai!"));
// or for more type safety (but not super necessary, in my opinion)
container.RegisterType<Foo>(new NonMagicInjectionProperty<Foo, string>(foo => foo.Bar, "oh hai!"));

var foo = container.Resolve<Foo>();
Console.WriteLine(foo.Bar); // "oh hai!"

It's a little more verbose, but much more awesome.